PNG Power Ltd will still maintain provision of Electricity Services

PNG Power Ltd (PPL) will continue to maintain the electricity services nationwide amid threats by the PNG Civil Society Groups about the disruption of essential services as of tonight. PPL will not take part in any stop work or shut down of power supply as this is not an industry issue but a political fight.

LAE StatCom Maintaining Voltage Flunctuations

PPL's Static Var Generator (SVG/STATCOM) stationed at the East Taraka Substation in Lae, Morobe Province is now is full operation and stabilizing system fluctuations on the transmission and distribution network.

PPL Staff Arrested for Stealing K38, 000 (US$12,000) from Company

Police have arrested one of PNG Power Ltd’s (PPL) staff members in Kimbe on 2nd July 2016 for allegedly stealing K38, 000 from the company between 2014 and 2015. He was officially charged and arrested on 2nd July 2016 under the Criminal Code Act on two counts: 1. Abuse of Public Office 2. Stealing (as a public servant).

Divune Hydro Power Project MoA signed

PNG Power Ltd (PPL) and the Divune Development Corporation Ltd (DDC), the landowners of the Divune Hydro Power Project (Divune HPP) signed a Memorandum of Agreement on June 24. This agreement will now pave the way for PPL to progress work on the construction of the new hydro power station.

Imrpovements on the Gazelle Power Grid

PNG Power Ltd (PPL) for the last month has carried out improvement works on its power supply in East New Britain Province. The works included the installation and commissioning of the Toboi Diesel Power Station, maintenance and repairs to the Warangoi Dam intake and reliability improvements at the Warangoi Power Station.

Linesmen clear trees to avoid power cuts to Madang

Tall trees growing under power lines and transmission towers that have been the cause of power supply into Madang being cut off were cleared over the weekend.

Warangoi Hydro Power Station to Undergo Maintenance

Electricity Consumers in East New Britain Province are advised that PNG Power Ltd (PPL) will be shutting down the Warangoi Hydro Power Station next weekend to carryout urgent maintenance wor

Mendi tribes support PPL in disconnection exercise

Four major tribes surrounding the township of Mendi, in the Southern Highlands province, have agreed to support PNG Power Limited (PPL) officers to carry out a major disconnection exercise on illegal power connectors.

Nipa to connect on Mendi power grid

PNG Power Limited (PPL) will soon add another 1000 plus customers to its current customer base of 2800 in Mendi, Southern Highlands Province.

No more loadshedding for Wewak

Business houses in Wewak, East Sepik Province, including residential and surrounding areas will no longer face load shedding of power, after PNG Power Limited (PPL) installed 4 new leased Aggreko generators to boost generation capacity.

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