Board of Directors sworn in
A new Chairman and two new women Directors were sworn into the PNG Power Board on Tuesday March 20, at the PPL National Office in Hohola.
Businessman Peter Nupiri takes on the Chairman role following the resignation of Andrew Ogil last month.
Accountant Maureen Mori joins PNG Power Acting Managing Director Carolyn Blacklock as the two females on the Board.
Directors Mark Chan and Chey Scovell are retained from the previous Board.
Prasanth Shastri, the other appointed Director will be sworn in at a later date.
Chairman Nupiri is his maiden speech said that the Board has a mammoth task ahead and that is to drive revenue and dividends.
“There is a lot of challenges and a lot of issues to deal with including aging infrastructure, reliabilty and under-maintenance of our transmission and our distribution network,” he said.
He said that the Board will set a new corporate strategy, look into the current business model and tap into the available digital dynamics as part taking on the challenges of PNG Power.
Mr. Nupiri took the opportunity to also call on PNG Power staff to do their jobs with passion and with a sense of responsibility in delivering power to people