PNG Power is making Easipay Better
PNG Power’s Easipay System will be shut-down this weekend in order for the prepayment system to be upgraded to a newer, improved version.
The shutdown will commence from 12.00pm (Midday) Saturday June 30, 2018 and will last until 12.00pm (Midday) Sunday, July 1, 2018. However, it is expected that the system might be restored earlier than expected if all upgrade work goes well.
Easipay will not be available during this time and PNG Power urges all our valuable customers to purchase Easipay Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. There will be no way to purchase Easipay credits after 12 noon on Saturday June 30th.
After the restoration process of the Easipay System is complete, PNG Power will commence vending through its PNG Power Offices and through its agency vending sites. PNG Power will open up its office vending sites from 8.00am – 12.00pm on Saturday June 30, 2018 and from 1.00pm – 5.00pm on Sunday afternoon to allow customers to purchase Easipay units before and after the shutdown period.
We will also keep customers informed of the restoration process through our social media pages and via our National Call Centre. For more information and clarification, contact the PNG Power Call Centre on 70908000 or 75008000.
Upgrading the Easipay system is long overdue. 80% of our customers rely on Easipay for their power and it is exciting to see the progress made by our IT and Customer Service teams these last few months to ensure the upgrade is well planned and is undertaken this weekend. Please help us help you by purchasing your Easipay Credits before Saturday noon.