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Power reliability improving for Enga

Power supply to customers in Enga Province will now be stable with the commissioning of the second generator at the new Rakamanda Power Station.

PNG Power Acting Managing Director Carolyn Blacklock and Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas officially commissioned one more generator for Enga on Friday April 5, 2019.

PNG Power management made a decision in 2018 to relocate the power station from Keas to an ideal location at Rakamanda, and installed a generator in April 2018 to maintain supply for Wabag customers during unexpected power outages.

During outages, this generator could only supply customers from Akom to Wabag and Sopas.

The additional generator with a capacity of 1MW was installed earlier this year (2019) and is in operation. With both combined, they will adequately supply power to customers all the way from Tomba to Wapenamanda, Tsak, Wabag, Sopas, and Sakarip.

Customers in Enga are connected to the Ramu Grid supplied by the Ramu Hydro power station at Yonki. When there is a transmission or distribution line fault along the Okuk Highway, it affects the supply to Wabag.

However, these two (2) standby generators will quickly restore supply in such situations and continue to supply power to customers.


Carolyn Blacklock

Acting Managing Director

PNG Power Ltd

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