PNG Power has signed another Memorandum of Understanding with the West New Britain Provincial Government and South Korean company, K&P Limited today to assist with the feasibility study into the development of a 5Mw solar farm and 10Mw biomass plant.
This is the second MOU signed in a space of one week to allow for studies to be carried out into the development of renewable energy as a source of electricity supply with a Provincial Government and K&P Limited.
This shows PNG Power’s commitment to the development of renewable energy mainly in hydro, biomass, solar and other sources of renewable energy to generate electricity as a way to reduce its heavy dependence on costly fuel for its power stations.
The first MOU was with the Central Provincial Government on February 8, 2017 with the same Korean company, K&P Limited for studies to be carried out into a 50Mw solar farm development.
The solar farm and biomass plant are the initiatives of the WNB Provincial Government as medium and long term power sources for the Province.
The electricity generated from the Solar farm and the biomass plant will be supplied onto PNG Power’s Kimbe system.
Under the MOU, PNG Power will provide technical advice and any other necessary information and support that may be useful in the study of the proposed solar farm and biomass plant.
PNG Power is seriously looking into the development of renewable energy as sources of electricity generation and is happy to sign these two MOUs as they are paving the way for other Provincial Governments and private organisations to look into the development of renewable energy sources for electricity generation.
PNG Power has a huge task to meet the National Government’s Medium Term Development Plan to supply electricity to 70 percent of the population of PNG by 2030, which is 13 years away, so we encourage Independent Power Producers who are prepared to go into renewable energy as a source of electricity generation to come on board as partners with PNG Power in order meet this target.
The primary reason for going into renewable energy is to reduce the huge annual expenditure on diesel fuel and secondly to contribute to PNG’s objectives to become a clean and green country.