Rouna 1 and Sirinumu Upgrade to increass access and supply
PNG Power and Dongfang Electric International Corporation (DEC) signed the contract on 15 April 2019 for DEC to begin the rehabilitation work.
The upgrade and rehabilitation project will reduce cost and fossil fuel consumption, increase access, connectivity and improve network reliability on the Port Moresby power grid.
The project will assist PNG Power to expand renewable energy generation, connect currently unserved customers and significantly improve the quality of electricity supply.
The contract signing was a significant milestone for PNG Power to rehabilitate and upgrade the existing civil structures, mechanical and electrical facilities, and augmentation of substation and transmission line network for the purpose of power generation including water management requirements in the overall cascade.
This will also assist PNG Power to share some responsibilities from the hydraulic facilities with other important stakeholders like Eda Ranu to independently manage and supply water to residents in Port Moresby.
The rehabilitation work at Sirinumu hydropower plant, will include the modernisation of electromechanical facilities for reliable operation of the power plant with installation of fibre optic communication medium with un-manned station capabilities, remote control and monitoring via fibre optic cable to Rouna 2 control room and national office.
There will also be rehabilitation of hydraulic and civil structures to reduce cavitation problems, water leakages and to maintain the safe operation of the plant.
At Rouna 1 power station, the power plant will be upgraded to increase the total output by 1.5MW from total output of (5.5MW to 7MW) with the installation of two (2) 3.5MW turbines and removal of the current three (3) units permanently out of service.
Moreover, there will be new hydraulic and civil structures built to ensure minimum disruption of the city water supply, silt removal to maximise water storage and share facilities with Eda Ranu to maintain water supply.
This rehabilitation and upgrade project is important for Port Moresby customers. There is nothing better and nothing cheaper than hydro power.
Therefore, we are happy with this investment and we look forward to delivering quality and reliable power supply to our customers.
……………………………….Carolyn Blacklock
Acting Managing Director
PNG Power Ltd