Statement from the PNG Power Board Chairman in response to an open letter from Disgruntled Former Employees
A group of disgruntled former PNG Power Executives and Managers have circulated a so-called open letter to politicians, media outlets and on social media to air their grievances (again). These desperate men have been dismissed recently for gross incompetence and some of them are currently being investigated for improper and fraudulent behaviours during their tenure at PNG Power.
Whilst PNG Power is not obliged to respond to their ongoing lies and the defamatory allegations in this open letter to discredit the Board and Management, I am compelled as Chairman to respond.
I will not rebut their baseless and ridiculous claims, but I wish to reassure our customers, the government and the citizens of the integrity and accountability of the current PNG Power Board and Management in pushing hard for the much needed reform that will enable PNG Power to support the country’s development (economically and socially) and particularly the Governments medium term goal to connect 70% of our people by 2030.
PNG Power is in far better health now than it has been for many years following the neglect of previous boards and managements including the six former employees that authored this letter.
We now have a clear plan to rebuild, reform and rewire the company over the next few years. In short, we plan to do a fuel switch from high cost HFO/Diesel powered IPPs to gas in the interim and least cost distributed hydro power in the long term. We are in the process of rebuilding our existing hydro power plants and the transmission and distribution system. Our owner’s representative (KCHL) and major bank (BSP) have acknowledged the improvement in financial accountability and performance under my Board’s oversight with Deloitte commissioned to oversee the correction of our financial statements and balance sheet.
I’m disgusted that fellow Papua New Guineans and self-declared professionals’ resort to personal attacks against our Acting Managing Director that are racist and sexist. About time they moved on with life because other equally qualified Papua New Guineans have taken up their previous roles and PNG Power is moving forward.
Everyone whose engaged with Carolyn Blacklock knows she’s highly principled and only ever acts in the best interests of PNG Power – in terms of commercial outcomes, customer experience and staff alignment. Let me also assure everyone that Carolyn Blacklock has a legitimate employment contract with PNG Power and her role and authority has the full backing of the PNG Power Board. Carolyn is not required to have a work permit because she is a permanent resident of PNG and she is here to stay.
My board have every confidence in the Acting Managing Director, her executive team and all our hardworking staff. Together we will endeavour to turn the company around.
For the record, my board and the Acting Managing Director have assumed office just over 12 months ago. We have inherited many legacy issues of the past due to negligence, poor management/board decisions, corruption, political interference and many more. We are working very hard to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated, capitalise on present opportunities and chart a way forward so that PNG Power can provide safe, reliable and cheaper power for our country.
Peter Nupiri
Board Chairman
PNG Power Ltd