Token Identifier (TID) Rollover - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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1. What is TID Rollover?

On 24 November 2024, all STS prepaid electricity (Easipay) meter’s Token Identifi er (TID) stack memory will reset to zero. These Easipay meters will not accept the Easipay tokens/credits. Any tokens generated after November 2024 will be rejected by Easipay meters as being old tokens.

2. How will I know if my meter is an STS meter?

A Standard Transfer Specification (STS) meter is a prepayment meter with an 11-digit serial number and is usually displayed on the Easipay meter itself or on the credit tokens reciepts. The key change process will not affect Easipay meters with 7-digit serial numbers.

3. Who will the TID Rollover Impact?

It will impact:

  • Prepaid electricity (Easipay) customers with STS meters
  • Third Parties distributors/agents/vendors including BSP, Kina Bank, Digicel, Bemobile/Telikom, CPL, Stop & Shop, OCL, Papindo, and any other sub-distributors who generate Easipay tokens on their vending devices, terminals, or platforms, and sell to consumers.

4. Is the TID Rollover happening only in Papua New Guinea?

No. It is happening to all prepaid electricity meters around the world.

5. How will the TID Rollover affect Easipay Meters, and Third-Party Distributors?

Easipay Customer - All prepaid STS Easipay meters will not accept Easipay tokens and customers will not be able to get electricity supply.

Third-party Distributors - Their terminals, devices and SMS platforms that generate Easipay tokens will not be able to generate a set of four (4) Key-Change tokens to reset and upgrade the Easipay meter.

6. What is Key-Change?

This is the process of resetting and upgrading the STS Easipay meter so that it is not affected by the TID Rollover on 24 November 2024.

7. What are Key-Change Tokens?

They are a set of four (4) sets of tokens or numbers with 20 digits - they look like Easipay credit/tokens. These four (4) tokens will be printed on the Easipay voucher or sent to customers via SMS when the customer buys Easipay starting 31 October 2022. The printed hard copy voucher containing the key change numbers will be long (80cm).

8. What must PNG Power, its Agents/Distributors, and Easipay Customers do to avoid the impact of TID Rollover on 24 November 2024?

  • PNG Power must ensure that all the Easipay meters undergo the key-change (upgrade), and are ready for the TID Rollover before 24 November 2024

  • Agents/Distributors must ensure that all their point-of-sale devices, terminals and platforms is able to print the four (4) key-change tokens.

  • Easipay Customers will enter the four (4) key-change tokens on their Easipay meters to reset, upgrade and complete the key-change.

9. How many times will an Easipay Customer do Key-Change on their Easipay meter?

The customer will do key-change only ONCE.

10. Will the key change affect Easipay meters with 7-digit numbers?

The key change process will not affect Easipay meters with 7-digit numbers.

11. When will the Key-Change commence?

Key-change will begin in Port Moresby on 31st of October 2022 and will subsequently be rolled out to other centres nationwide on 27 February 2023. In readiness for this key-change to commence, PNG Power and all its Third-Party agents are ensuring that their devices, terminals, and platforms (EFTPOS, SMS, etc.) can generate and issue four (4) key-change tokens to customers.

12. How will the Key Change be rolled out to other Centres?

The upgrade will be done in stages by Meter type and by Centres, starting with the Siemens PM120 Meter brand in NCD & Central Province followed by the other Meter brands (Landis+ Gyr, Itron, Conlog) that are in use nationwide. PNG Power will advise the Public on the dates for the upcoming rollout in respective centres and provinces.

13. Where will customers buy their Easipay starting from 31st October 2022?

BSP, Digicel, Kina Bank, SVS, TST, Eliseo, Stop & Shop,TST, RH, Papindo, Jyvx, Oceanic, J- Mart, Boroko FoodWorld, Waterfront, Tininga & all PNG Power offices and agents.

14. Who will be responsible for doing the key change to the Easipay meters?

Easipay customers will be responsible for the key change and resetting/upgrading their meters. Meters that do not undergo key change or upgrade will not accept Easipay credit tokens, and customers will not get electricity supply to their homes.

15. Will the Easipay credit token bought before the key change work after the key change?

NO! Customers must enter any old or previously purchased / unused Easipay credit tokens before the key change. The old tokens that were not entered will not work after the key change (upgrade). It wipes the token logs in the meter, and there will be no way to prove whether an old token was entered or not. Therefore, customers must enter any old tokens first.

16. Simple Steps to do Key-Change on Easipay Meters

Below are the steps for customers to do the key-change for their Easipay meter:

Step 1:
Starting 31st October 2022, when you buy Easipay credits, you will receive 4-sets of token numbers on your receipt voucher or SMS. The first three (3) tokens are the key change tokens that will upgrade your meter. The fourth (last) token is your Easipay top-up token.

Step 2:
On your Easipay meter, enter the first three (3) key change tokens in order from the top. Enter the fourth or last token at the bottom, which is your Easipay credit to top-up your meter (e.g., K15 – 19.6 units).

Step 3:
Done! Key change is complete. This key change or upgrade happens only once on your Easipay meter. After the key change, the subsequent purchases will be as usual, and you will receive only one Easipay token.

17. What happens if I lose the receipt containing the four (4) Key-Change tokens?

  • Call: 116 | Email: And state your details (meter number, time & date of purchase, and amount) for Token retrieval.
  • Visit your nearest PNG Power Office on weekdays during 8am-4pm.